How do you think the leadership in your country should address the needs of its young citizens?
What values do you believe are most important for politicians to embody in today's world?
How would you propose to solve the issue of unemployment among the youth in your community?
What role do you think education should play in shaping the future policies of a country?
Imagine you had the power to make one major change in your country's policy-making process; what would it be and why?
How does the concept of ‘independence’ in politics relate to the way you make decisions in your own life?
What kind of policies do you think are needed to combat climate change effectively in your country?
If you were to prioritize one social issue for your government to address, what would it be and how should it be approached?
In what ways can a government ensure that its policies are both fair and beneficial to all parts of society?
How can a country's policies reflect both modern values and traditional beliefs without causing conflict?
What values do you think should guide modern political parties in creating policies today?
How have local or national policies impacted your life, and do you see them as positive or negative?
What does it mean for a political party to truly represent the people, and do you believe this is happening in your country?
In your personal experience, how do political decisions affect opportunities for young people in your community?
What role do traditional beliefs play in shaping political decisions in your country, and should this influence continue?
How would you like to see politicians handle current social issues facing your community?
Яка відповідальність покладається на політичні партії щодо вирішення потреб недооцінених груп у суспільстві?
Which personal or community values do you think political parties should prioritize more, and why?
Based on trends in your country, how do you think political decisions will impact the future generation?
What kind of leadership qualities do you think are needed to address complex political issues in your country today?