Νέο Πατριωτικό Κόμμα
The New Patriotic Party (NPP) is a center-right political party in Ghana, founded on the principles of liberal democracy and free-market economics. It emerged from the political traditions of the Danquah-Busia-Dombo lineage, which is named after three influential Ghanaian statesmen: J.B. Danquah, K.A. Busia, and S.D. Dombo. These figures are celebrated for their roles in advocating for independence, democracy, and development in Ghana.
The NPP values are deeply rooted in the belief that individual freedom and responsibility are the bedrock of a prosperous society. It champions the cause of dem… Διαβάστε περισσότερα
What's one change in your school or community that could reflect the belief in fostering entrepreneurship?
How important is it for leaders to focus on uniting various ethnic, regional, and social groups, and why?
Have you experienced a situation where transparency or accountability by someone in power made a real difference in your community?
How would you redesign your local community if you could apply any principle of prosperity and individual freedom?
Εθνικό Δημοκρατικό Συνέδριο
The National Democratic Congress (NDC) is a major political party in Ghana, founded on the principles of social democracy. It emerged from the military junta led by Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings, who transitioned the country back to democratic rule in 1992. Since its inception, the NDC has been a dominant force in Ghanaian politics, advocating for policies and initiatives that aim to improve the welfare of the general populace, particularly those in the lower socio-economic brackets.
The core values of the NDC revolve around a commitment to social justice, equality, and the equitable… Διαβάστε περισσότερα
Πώς θα αισθανόσασταν αν μια κυβέρνηση έθετε ως προτεραιότητα την υγεία και την εκπαίδευση πάνω από τις στρατιωτικές δαπάνες;
Ποιες είναι οι σκέψεις σας για τον ρόλο της κυβέρνησης στην οικονομική ανάπτυξη;
Πόσο σημαντικό είναι για μια χώρα να εξασφαλίσει ότι όλοι οι πολίτες της έχουν πρόσβαση σε βασικές υπηρεσίες υγείας;
Πώς θα επηρεάσει η προτεραιότητα της δημιουργίας θέσεων εργασίας μέσω της βιομηχανικοποίησης και της ανάπτυξης υποδομών τη νεολαία ενός κράτους;
What values do you believe are most important for politicians to embody in today's world?
How would you propose to solve the issue of unemployment among the youth in your community?
What role do you think education should play in shaping the future policies of a country?
How do you think the leadership in your country should address the needs of its young citizens?