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I personally side slightly pro life. But it is a difficult topic. Whatever the country decides I just want the laws to reflect intellectual consistency.

 @8R2RMP3 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-choice, but require the mother to give informed consent prior to receiving an abortion.

 @92XBMXF from Pennsylvania  answered…3yrs3Y

 @84JHJXZ from GU  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-life, but it should be decided on a state by state basis, not federally.

 @8R7SQ2V from California  answered…4yrs4Y


The government should not be allowed to tell a doctor what they can and cannot do. An abortion should be between the woman and her doctor. It should not be funded by the government.

 @63ZXW6N from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-choice until signs of life. Allow for easier access to birth control and morning-after. That would reduce abortions.

 @874Z3NV from South Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8QN4J9C from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

i feel like if the mom is is a drug attic or in an abuse of, relationship then she has the right to abort her child.

 @8JRFRHX from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

Pro-Life, but with significant efforts to improve birth control and massively increase it's accessibility.

 @8Q5CYSP from Colorado  answered…4yrs4Y

If a person chooses to have unprotected sex and doesn't immediately after take mifepristone to kill the sperm, I am pro-life. However, in the case of anyone under the age 18, I am pro-choice because they don't have the experience to realize how badly it can affect their lives, this is the experience they would need. It's not murder until the baby has a heart beat so it's not murder, but in the case of careless women even killing just the cells after letting them grow is beyond belief.

 @8R7N6V4 from Mississippi  answered…4yrs4Y

You cannot legislate morality. The government shouldn’t have any say, one way or another.

  @8RJ2TQK from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Personally pro-life but do not feel this is a politician's choice to make. I do not belive there is a "right" to an abortion


Pro-choice, But I don't think they should have the right to take the life of the baby, only if the mother's life is threatened, the baby will not make it, and if she was a rape victim

  @93G2RP7 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Pro-life, increase access for birth control, sex education will help reduce the number of abortions

  @93G2RP7 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Pro-life, and better access to birth control and sex education will help reduce the number of abortiona