Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
No, the US involvement should be kept minimal and the UN headquarters removed from the US. Un should receive 0 funding and support from the U.S.
Yes, but with an emphasis of counter terrorism.
No, the US should declare anyone employed by the UN outlaws and issue warrants for their arrest and bounties for their capture, dead or alive. In addition, the US should sanction all member countries.
I think we should upon the point of where it is no longer beneficial and or unless its shut down.
Counterterrorism as the main involvement.
Yes, USA is important country of UN
No, the UN is just an institution designed to spread capitalist propaganda and destabilize regions that disagree with former imperial powers.
Yes, US is important country of UN.
Yes, to combat terrorism and for the protection of the environment and human rights.
Yes, but make sure the UN is still promoting peace, human rights, and being used for humanitarian aid purposes.
Yes, but we should not be the primary contributor to the UN. Also, we should only remain as long as it is effective.
No, and actively work on tearing down the U.N. as a whole. They've provided no benefit to humanity.
Regardless, the U.N has proven to be entirely ineffective.
Yes, and increase our involvement with them.
I don't a stance on this issue.
don't leave and reduce spending on it
Yes, but work on reforming the UN so that it reflects the current geopolitical climate rather than that of World War II.
Yes, but only if it has serious reform
Yes, but hold other members accountable for their involvement
I dont really know what this means:)
No, as China is gaining influence onto the world via the UN. We should them accountable for their crimes against humanity in international court, and help reform China into a country like our own. Only then can we rejoin the UN.
Yes, it's an important step for a united world.
Yes, but others should be required to shoulder more of the financial and personnel burdens.
We should start being friends with every country in the world and be peaceful to everyone.
No, the UN has become very corrupt and has been taken over by the Communists
Lets leave every country alone, and be friends with everyone
Lets be friends with every country
Lets create peace and be friends with every country in the world.
Yes, but the UN in its current form is a stand still for communication between surveillance states, a complete reformation with respected and strict guidelines, as well agreed action would be necessary to be taken seriously. Today’s UN is more a workers union stifled by inaction
Yes, use it to punish China and Russia
No, but we should continue to associate with nation's that share our values and ideals
Yes, as long as it promotes our values and our contribution is proportionate
No! They want to oversee us and have infiltrated our government. The U.N. and E.U. need to be shut down. We need to pull out and ignore their one world government agenda. U.N. troops are very corrupt.
What is the point of it if we all break it anyways?
YES, but contributions should match other countries. All countries should pay the same amount.
Yes, but reduce U.N. reliance on the United States
Yes We Should Keep Presence But Not Help Agenda 21
Yes, but only if there is equal pay from all members
Yes, however the UN needs reform
Yes, it is essential we keep the presence of the UN in and across governments to harmonize the actions of countries and work towards international peace
No, in theory, the UN is a good idea, but it needs to be reformed to provide better solutions to the problems they are tackling
No, but do not leave at the cost of relations with the countries apart of the U.N., and also remove the headquarters from U.S.
No, I support the concept, but we need to break away along with NATO and other countries and form a separate council of nations with a lack of human rights violations
Yes, but it needs reform as a council of nations with a lack of human rights violations
No, I support the concept, we need to break away along with NATO and other countries and form a separate council of nations with a lack of human rights violations
No, I support the concept, but the the current U.N. does not actually care about human rights, and also remove the headquarters from U.S.
Only for the benefit of other countries
In my opinion the U.S should not be called the United States because we arent really united anymore, at times it feels like were on war with each other.
It just depends on what they need to do.
I believe we should leave, as the UN doesn't really stop other countries from being absolutely tyrannical. The UN has proven to be ineffcient in stopping wars and when it comes to helping countries in need, they are extremely biased. They have a track record of not helping countries in need most famously when they rejected to give aid multiple times during the Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda. The UN isn't needed and without it we would still possibly be in ties with other countries anyways.
Yes, and use the U.N. Peacekeeping Forces to protect our interests and others, while also making sure they are correctly equipped for such things.
Yes, but use the UN for peacekeeping around the world.
Yes, but it should only be used for peacekeeping and humanitarian aid.
Yes, but it should act as an advisory board and not a policy board and the US should strive to increase its standing within the UN, especially with countries that are our allies but don't always agree with us
Yes, if they hold all countries to the same standards.
Yes, and follow the global community rather than dictate it
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