Critical race theory is the claim that American institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist. It argues that white people have put up social, economic, and legal barriers between the races in order to maintain their elite status, both economically and politically and that the source of poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities is due exclusively to these barriers.
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CRT is NOT taught in k-12 schools. It is a graduate level theory of how race and the law intersect. Stop using Republican buzz words as if they are valid!
Yes, but age-based context provided to students as it relates to the real world. It should not be a zero-sum that you are either inherently racist or inherently disadvantaged because it degrades both parties regardless of their personal situations. Carefully articulated context and critical thought processes should be utilized in explaining things.
No, because CRT is a graduate-level concept and is not appropriate at the K-12 level. But students should be made aware of the historical foundations for some of the major problems we have in contemporary US.
The Frankfurt School's Critical Theories do a great deal to avoid "class analysis" of race (and other) issues, while centering race itself. It's unscientific and it's used to weaken class warfare. It's used to divide the proletariat.
Critical Race Theory is not taught at the K-12 level
Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist, but we should start to introduce this after they have reached adulthood and gained the ability of critical thinking.
No, but we should make sure to reach our children to tolerate others regardless of what they look like and instead judge others based on their character and to simply treat others the way we want to be treated
No, but only because CRT is a graduate-level law course. Kids should still be taught the unadulterated truth about our country though. Our history should not be whitewashed in schools.
Kids should understand what's bad about racism and why, at the earliest age possible. If we don't teach our kids about racism at 5 years old, trying to teach them about it at 15, is damn near impossible. I couldn't drive til I was 17, but I was taught how to drive at 12.
‘Critical Race Theory’ as a term misrepresents what activists want to add to the curriculum.
Critical Race Theory is a post-graduate level legal concept that would not be applicable for a K-12 setting. Teaching about diversity and historical racism is not "critical race theory" - but nevertheless, should be taught in K-12.
No, and neither is is being taught in schools
No, teach the history of racial treatment and race relations in America without theorizing that this has a guaranteed cause-and-effect outcome
No, teach the history of racial treatment and race relations in America without theorizing that this is exclusively the reason of ongoing poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities
No, teach the history of the social, economic and legal barriers between the races that have existed in America without proclaiming that this is the reason for continued poverty and criminal behavior
No, teach the history of the social, economic and legal barriers between the races that have existed in America, but do not argue a viewpoint that this is the continuing reason for poverty and criminal behavior.
No, teach the history of racial treatment and race relations in America without theorizing that this is exclusively the reason of ongoing poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities.
No, teach the history of racism and race relations in America to teenagers but do not theorize in regards to present causes and their effects. Open the topic for discussion and debate
No, teach the history of racism and race relations in America to teenagers without theorizing in regards to present causes and their effects on minority communities. Open the topic for discussion and debate
No, teenagers should be taught the history of racism and prejudice in American history, but it should not be theorized that this is the ongoing cause of poverty and criminal behavior in minority-dominated communities. Teachers should open up the subject for discussion and debate
No, teach the history of racism and race relations in America to teenagers without theorizing in regards to present causes of poverty and crime in minority communities. Open up the topic for discussion and debate
No, teach the facts about this country's past history of racism without speculating about the primary source of ongoing poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities, since many factors are involved. Open the topic for discussion
No, simply teach the facts to teenagers about this country's past history of racism. Then open the topic for discussion and speculation
No, simply teach the history of racism in this country to teenage students without making judgment that this is exclusively the reason for poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities. Open the topic for debate.
No, the history of racism in this country should be taught to teenage students without making judgment that any barriers are the reason for ongoing poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities. The topic should be opened up for classroom discussion and debate
No, simply teach the history of racism in this country without theorizing about any ongoing barriers
No, simply teach this country's past history of racism without theorizing about any ongoing barriers. Open the topic for discussion
No, teach the history of the social, economic and legal barriers between the races that have existed in America, but do not argue a point of view that this is the continuing reason for poverty and criminal behavior
No, teach the history of the social, economic and legal barriers between the races that have existed in America, but do not argue a point of view that this is the continuing reason for poverty and criminal behavior.
No, teach the history of racial treatment and race relations in America without theorizing that this is exclusively the reason of ongoing poverty and criminal behavior in minority communities, since there are many contributing factors
Yes, only if it does not replace our regular Social Studies Curriculum
No, but there should be context behind the Critical Race Theory
Yes, but make it optional for districts
Yes, but make it optional with districts
It should be integrated into the education system, but not be something specific that is taught.
yes, but i dont think there is a law that is racist.
It should, however, it should go alongside the regular history curriculum and it should be taught with a more moderate and unbiased eye as personal choices do also take part in the whole institution thing.
Yes, but only when they are in late elementary.
No because it's already not.
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