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We should be helping our homeless citizens and veterans before letting in so many others.
Yes, a limit because we need to be helping the poor citizens first.
No, but we need to be protecting the homeless/poor first.
No, as long as the immigrants arriving are families.
Yes, except from Afghanistan
We need to be helping our lower income citizens first.
America First; help the homeless and less fortunate before letting in people.
Yes, because we need to be protecting our citizens first.
A limit; we need to be helping our homeless citizens before anything. Feed the poor and eradicate homelessness.
Yes, Until the US improves it's immigration techniques and border security or allow each state to deal with border security on it's own
No, but we should be helping the homeless citizens in our nation before letting in so much more people.
Yes, while we protect our citizens first.
We need to be supporting our homeless citizens before letting in so much people.
Yes, we need to be looking after the sick and homeless in our country.
No, but all non-Christian, homosexual and transgender immigrants should be banned from entering the country indefinitely.
Yes, but only a limit. We need to be helping our homeless/poor citizens first.
Yes, we should be helping our poor citizens first.
Yes, while we help out poor citizens first.
Yes and once it is lifted they should not be able to enter or immigrate unless they have proof of identity.
Yes, while we provide assistance to the poor US citizens first.
No, but we need to be helping our poor citizens also.
Yes, while we help out the poor citizens first.
Yes, but only from high-risk countries.
We should be helping our citizens before foreigners. Protect the poor and homeless first
We need to be helping the poor and homeless first.
We should be helping the homeless citizens in our nation first.
Yes, we need to be helping the sick, homeless, and poor citizens.
Less immigration and more support for the homeless and poor citizens.
Help the homeless in our country first
Help our citizens first. Homeless people deserve homes if they are willing to work.
We must protect our own first
We need to be helping our homeless and needy before letting in rich foreigners.
No, but we do need to be helping our homeless and poverty stricken citizens.
We need to help the homeless and less fortunate citizens first.
Yes, until we have increased the efficiency of rooting out potential criminals/terrorists
No, but we should be helping the homeless and less fortunate also.
Yes. Worry about current Americans.
We need to be helping our own impoverished/homeless citizens first before allowing more people into the nation.
No, but we need to be helping the poor citizens first.
We should be helping the homeless citizens of our country.
We need to be helping the homeless, poor, and veterans before immigrants.
Not a ban but a limit. Only allow asylum seekers or refugees. We need to be helping the poor citizens of our nation first.
No, but we should reduce the number of immigrants allowed into our country.
depends on what they bring to the table
People still want to come here?
During certain times of downturn (pandemic, war, etc.) limit immigration. Any other time, allow easy access to citizenship application
No, but we should reduce how many immigrants we are bringing in right now. We have to focus on our current situation here in the states before we can restart helping people and nations abroad more.
No, but maybe on high-risk countries.
Yes, it should only apply to the citizens of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Brunei, Palestine, Somalia, Mauritania, Comoros, the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Somaliland, Kosovo, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Artsakh, Abkhazia, Northern Cyprus, and Venezuela
I don't a stance on this issue.
No. However, there are only so many immigrants that our Country can take in before our resources become overwhelmed because of Overpopulation in the United States. So we should be trying to help those currently living in both Central & South America with their problems, resulting in a reduction in the number of immigrants coming into our Country.
No, but we should help the countries of central and south America with their problems so that the number of immigrants currently coming into the country will decrease because there are only so many that we can take in before our resources get strained to the breaking point due to Overpopulation.
Our country was founded on immigration but it has to be legal and everyone should be vetted and go through the proper paperwork to be documented immigrant
We should test immigrants for COVID-19.
No, only in extreme cases.
this is unconstitutional.
No, this is unconstitutional.
No, but we should only allow a select few immigrants until we fix domestic problems.
No, we should increase the amount of immigrants allowed into the country, but we should also greatly increase COVID screenings and precautions, and every immigrant should be vaccinated unless they have religious or medical exemptions
Yes, until we get our national debt and out-of-control spending in order we are not in any financial position to be accepting immigrants.
No, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should have thorough background checks completed to screen for possible terrorist connections
Only if the country is experiencing a crisis where it would dangerous to let people in.
No, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should have thorough background checks completed to screen out any possible terrorist connections.
No, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should have thorough background checks completed to screen out any possible terrorist connections
No, but make sure that thorough background checks are conducted on all immigrants arriving from high-risk countries in order to rule out terrorist connections
Yes because with the concern of the coronavirus, it would be best to keep foreigners out at the moment
No, but conduct thorough background checks on all immigrants arriving from high-risk countries in order to rule out terrorist connections
No, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should have thorough background checks completed to screen out any terrorist connections
No, but conduct thorough background checks on all immigrants arriving from high-risk countries to rule out terrorist connections
No, just have a twenty day quarantine during the pandemic.
Yes, only in the case of an international health crisis.
Depends on our situation.
Yes, but only until all COVID-19 cases are eliminated from their country of origin, or they have quarantined.
Yes. We need to repair our economy before we can help others because further influx of immigrants will eventually cripple our economy, thus hindering our ability to assist more immigrants.
Accept a certain amount of backlog, stop, finish that and start it up again.
For emergency situations like COVID-19, yes.
Generally speaking, no. However because of the current pandemic, yes.
Yes, only due to the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the spread
There should be a temporary ban to anyone moving into or out of the United States to decrease the spread of COVID
America is a land of immigrants. We should embrace and love our immigrants because they help to make us who we are, but we should also have some basic security protocols in place and programs to assure enough assimilation to function in American society. Immigrant should bring the beautiful elements of their culture to the USA - we should celebrate the diversity - but we also need somewhat of a common identity as a nation. We need to be able to communicate to one another in a common language and have some core things that allow us all to proudly say "I'm an American" regardless of where me or my ancestors came from.
Maybe a temporary restriction because of COVID, but afterwards, make it easier for immigrants to come here legally.
Because of the pandemic, yes. Once we have herd immunity we can open the borders again.
No, just have a basic control on immigration.
No, but we should be able to prioritize people coming from certain countries that are less likely to be on welfare
Yes, it should be in place until the system is reformed and all agencies have finished transferring to the new system
No, but only western immigrants should be allowed into our country
Yes, but for a very short amount of time (2 years max) in order to deal with the border/illegal immigration crisis
No, but we should temporarily reduce the amount of immigration.
Yes, I am in support of at least a 10 to 15 year moritorium on all immgration to allow new immigrants to properly assimilate into American culture but not the degenerate globalist American imperial one.
Yes, I am in support of at least a 10 to 15 year moritorium on all immgration to allow new immigrants to properly assimilate into American culture but not the degenerate globalist imperial one.
Yes, and we should reform the immigration system during this time
only if there is important matters
yes because there are too many coming in to the US at once
No, but we should be helping the poor also.
No, but we need to be helping the poor also.
No, and we should increase the amount of legal immigrants we currently allow into the country while also spending more to increase our border security
No, but we need to be helping the poor in our country also.
I think that immigrates that come into the country should come in legally.
We must help our homeless/poor citizens first.
no, but lessen the amount of immigrants coming in