In February 2017, Congressional Republicans issued a proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The proposed plan would use tax credits to finance individual insurance purchases and cut federal payments to states which have been used to expand Medicaid. Conservatives who oppose the ACA argue that the plan did not go far enough in removing the government’s role in health insurance. They demanded that the new plan should remove the ACA requirement that health insurers could not discriminate against individuals with pre-existing conditions. Under the ACA health insurers cannot deny cove…
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only up to a certain extent
No, have a mix of private and public, along with government step-in to stop price gouging.
Yes, insuring people with pre-existing conditions drives up costs for everyone,But I do agree to give coverage to those who truly need it
No they should not deny unless it is something that is already almost cured.
Yes, insuring people with pre-existing conditions drives up costs for everyone,But I do agree to give coverage to those who truly need it
Yes, insuring people with pre-existing conditions drives up costs for everyone,But I do agree to give coverage to those who truly need it .And that it’s immoral if you don’t give help at all.And it should be very illegal to not help someone who has their life in a critical line or a life or death situation.Which goes against my religious values making it very immoral as well.
Yes, however the government should deregulate the industry to allow fair market competition
There should be some kind of rider that eventually allows for coverage.
Yes, but rejected people should be allowed to use Medicaid until they can find another insurer.
We need to allow insurance companies to see across state lines thereby bringing down prices. We should also require each insurance company to insure a certain percentage of those with pre-existing conditions which means that those with pre-existing conditions get insured without overburdening and one insurance company.
No, but they should be allowed to offer it at a higher cost.
Yes, as long as they are not discriminating based on race, or any other demographic.
Difference between someone who get insurance after finding out they have cancer and someone born with a chronic health issue.
No, but they should be allowed to charge them more for coverage
Yes, but only private health insurers should be allowed to do so.
Yes but the conditions need to be reasonable. ie cancer, smoking, hard drug use, etc
No. In addition to it being immoral, it makes no financial sense, especially when health assistance can't go to those that need it most.
No. In addition to it being immoral, it makes no financial sense, especially when health assistance can't go to customers that use it.
Our medical and drug industry is corrupt and needs completely reformed.
Folks with pre-existing conditions should pay more
It should depends on what pre-existing condition we are talking about. Something a person is born with is very different from a conviction the person got later on in life.
No, but there should be a fair reason in place. If the pre-existing condition is uncontrollable (ie cancer, bone loss, autoimmune diseases, etc), then that shouldn't be a cause to deny coverage. If it is controllable (effects of smoking, drinking, drug over usage, etc) then that should be allowed denial of coverage.
No, health insurers should not be allowed to deny coverage.
Yes but the conditions need to be reasonable ie cancer, smoking, hard drug use etc. However, promote health insurers to establish more expensive coverage for those with such pre-existing conditions.
No, but allow charging a much higher, but capped, premium
No, but allow a capped percentage based premium depending on the pre-existing condition.
No, and abolish private for profit insurance companies
ACA insurance yes, but private insurances who do not want to partake in the ACA, yes if they want to.
No, and if private insurance doesn't want to cover them then they should be provided with nationalized healthcare that will take care of anything wrong.
Yes, allow insurance providers to compete and offer competitive costs and benefits to their customers.
Yes, depending on the pre-existing condition.
Yes, but make it to where you can some coverage, but not full.
Healthcare should be affordable enough where insurance is unnecessary in order to afford what you need
No, but also there shouldnt be medical insurance, only a single payer program.
No, unless the condition was due to the individuals poor choices
Yes, but they should be required to add a buy up to include pre-existing conditions
No. I support Universal health coverage, but as long as we have private health insurance it is unfair to only buy insurance AFTER you get sick.
No, but only if the pre-existing condition is not in the end stages of care. If the condition of the patient is in the early stages it should be covered but if it is alright halfway through, then no.
No, but the premiums shouldn't be the same as those who don't.
Healthcare should be free to all citizens
It's a very hard call to make. The economic issue and the moral issue relative to this problem are very controversial and important.
As long as there is enough competition to give a fair price
Yes, after America would privatize health insurance for the free market, which would lower the cost of premiums and allow Americans to afford to be responsible enough to afford health insurance at 18, this lowering the cost of premiums and keeping generally healthy.
No. However, if the pre-existing conditions will lead to certain death or lack of ability to pay back insurance premiums, then it should be denied.
No and furthermore the government should get out of health care.
Yes, the government should not force them to do anything
No - but if the insurers are not allowed to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions in a market economy they should be allowed to charge appropriately based on the existing condition.
No, and the only health insurance should be a single-payer system
Yes, depending upon the cause of the condition.
no, and switch to a single-payer system
Yes, Treat them like anybody else
Depends whether or not they have paid for that pre-existing conditions.
Yes but provide help for those with pre existing conditions
No, but work with health care companies to ensure they have the resources needed to keep pre-existing conditions covered.
No, it is discriminatory to deny those with preexisting health conditions.
No, but if the government regulates this they should provide subsidies to help insurance companies lower risks that they are required by the government to take.
Yes, but only private insurers.
No. It's immoral, but they shouldn't be compelled to enter into a relationship where they will lose money.
Yes, insuring people with pre-existing conditions drives up costs for everyone,But I do agree to give coverage to those who truly need it .And that it’s immoral if you don’t give help at all
Yes, but only when the individual is at fault for the condition
Yes, but switch to a single-payer system and eliminate the issue.
Yes, but only if the pre-existing condition is not determined by lifestyle choices.
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