Should Ghana raise taxes on the rich?
Australia currently has a progressive tax system whereby high income earners pay a higher percentage of tax than low income tax. A more progressive income tax system has been proposed as a tool towards reducing wealth inequality.
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Instead of raising the taxes, make sure the rich are paying for there taxes and not finding a lope hole.
Reform to a flat tax, or a flat tax for income after poverty level, and raise poverty level to the amount of money needed for a reasonable standard of living.
Reform to a flat tax, or a flat tax for income after poverty level, and raise poverty level to the amount of money needed for a reasonable standard of living for someone with average financial literacy.
Teach financial literacy in school. The lowest income I can consistently find people online living comfortably with is $7k, with some DIY skills.
No. The rich should get tax breaks so they can hire more people and grow their businesses.
No, maintain the current rates until the national debt is drastically reduced, then lower taxes for the rich
No, simplify taxes to percentages and eliminate loopholes and tax cuts
No, close all existing tax loopholes for corporations instead
Lower income taxes on the middle and poor class, and increase on the rich.
Abolish the income tax, disallow all deductions and loopholes
Everyone's tax should be equal in the amount of your income you lose.
People should be taxed at the same rate. If you earn more, you should pay a little more, but it should be at the same percentage as someone who makes less.
Slightly raised for rich
Reform to a flat tax except have lower to no taxes for the poor and remove tax loopholes for large corporations.
Once again, define the word "rich".
Reform to a flat tax, but protect the poor, elderly, disabled, etc; thereby indirectly taxing those with a higher income more; and punish those who abuse the system with exemptions.
For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, taxes should not be raised for anybody. 6 months after the vaccine is distributed to everyone, say in early or mid-2022, those that earn between $400,000 and more will have a tax increase, it won't be a massive increase nor will it be a minuscule increase
Absolutely not because they have worked for that money over their years and acquired it. Just because they’re rich does not mean they should have to pay more taxes than everyone else.
No, Instead tax the bigger corporations
No, you should be aloud to keep the money you make.
No close cooperate loop holes place tariffs and abolish the income tax
No, abolish the income tax and keep taxes on large corporations
No, and abolish the income tax, disallow all deductions and increase the sales tax
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