Proveu el concurs polític



How do you think lifetime appointments for justices impact the decisions they make, knowing they don't have to face voters?


Do you think the Supreme Court should reflect the political beliefs of the general population, or stay more independent? Why?


If the Court's composition doesn’t change soon, how do you think that could impact the future of laws in the U.S.?


When it comes to big issues like this, do you think more power should be given to elected officials or judges? Why?


How might the perspective of a judge who has served for 20 or 30 years differ from someone newly appointed today?


Do you think adding more justices to the Supreme Court could solve the problem of bias, or might it create new issues?


If term limits were introduced for justices, how would that change the way they approach their decisions?


How might a shift in power between conservatives and liberals on the Supreme Court affect the day-to-day lives of ordinary people?


In your opinion, is it more important for the Court to stay neutral, or for it to adapt to evolving societal values? Why?


What do you think the risks are if one political party gains too much influence over the decision-making of the Supreme Court?